Thursday, April 28, 2011

still life confetti

I don't usually post this kind of thing, but I came across Swedish artist Tove Mauritzson's work today and had to share it. Enjoy

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Venice // March 2011

This is what I've been working on lately - multiple exposures. I hate digital photo manipulation, so I'm going to keep shooting this way until I get some skater busting a crazy air.. Frustrating because this would have been infinitely better, but that's what you get when you shoot multiple exposures on actual film and don't photoshop! Repetition yields results... we'll see what turns out on the next roll..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

out of the fire

We're working on a bar/music venue that was completely destroyed in a fire last year. The place is an empty shell right now, with shoring holding up the masonry walls. There is no roof on the building, except some of these 49' long steel girders. The girders pictured here had to be demo'd because they were damaged in the heat of the fire. Each one weighs around 3000 lbs. We had the guys save them for us so we can re-use them in the design of the actual bar (moving them around to bend them into the bar shape is going to be an exercise in logistics..).

I like the idea of the history of the place recorded in its new interior..more to follow!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Treasures from the past couple of weeks: a gnarled piece of driftwood, a swiss cheese rock, a perfect round stone, a fully in-tact sand dollar, and a piece of sea glass. I'd tell you where they're from, but I'd have to kill you ;)

I'm sitting here watching Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo as I'm writing this post. 
I pulled this textile out the other day as a table cloth for a dinner celebrating some very special friends that were in town visiting. This happens to be my most favorite relic from my trip to Peru - appropriate to be watching this film from my laptop on this same table. Fitzcarraldo was filmed in the northern Peruvian jungle - Iquitos and Urubamba. We stayed in the South, in the Tambopata region, outside of Puerto Maldonado. 

A funny fact about the film: Mick Jagger was supposed to play a significant role, but shooting was delayed and he had to leave on tour. His entire part was deleted. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011